Datadog vs New Relic

August 25, 2021

Datadog vs New Relic: The Ultimate Comparison for Cloud Consulting

When it comes to cloud consulting, it can be overwhelming to choose which monitoring tool to use. With the rise of cloud-based applications, businesses need these tools to ensure they provide an excellent user experience that ensures customer satisfaction.

Datadog and New Relic both provide monitoring solutions to help you stay on top of your cloud application. In this blog post, we'll provide a factual and unbiased comparison to help you choose which tool to use.

Ease of Installation

When it comes to installation, both Datadog and New Relic offer simple and straightforward installation processes. However, Datadog takes the win here with a faster set up speed. Datadog can monitor your application in less than five minutes, while New Relic would take you around 15 minutes.

User Interface

When it comes to user interface, Datadog has a clean, modern interface with a customizable dashboard. New Relic's user interface looks a bit outdated, and the customizable features are limited. So if you're looking for a tool with a visually appealing interface with multiple customization options, Datadog should be your choice.


The features offered by Datadog and New Relic are quite similar. Both provide APM, infrastructure monitoring, log management, and alerting features. However, Datadog has a slight edge over New Relic when it comes to integration with third-party tools, providing 450+ integrations compared to New Relic's 130.


When it comes to performance, Datadog once again takes the lead. Its intuitive dashboard and detailed performance metrics allow for better visibility, while New Relic's response time and performance can be sluggish at times.


Pricing is an important consideration when it comes to choosing a cloud monitoring tool. Datadog's pricing model is based on infrastructure usage, which means that you only pay for what you use. New Relic, on the other hand, does not offer the same flexibility, with pricing based on a package system.


Both tools are great, and the choice between them ultimately comes down to your specific needs, preferences, and budget. Datadog is a better option if you're looking for an easy-to-use, highly customizable tool with flexible pricing. New Relic is a good choice for those looking for a more straightforward tool with a pricing structure that's easier to understand.


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